Monday, April 9, 2012

A Peek Into Our Week- Happy Easter!

 We had a busy and fun week! Olivia was on Spring Break all week so Aiden & I were happy to have her company. Tuesday I  had to register her for Kindergarten! I don't really want to think about her starting school 5 days a week yet, but I had to face it and get all her paperwork done. She did really well being patient while I filled out page after page until they took her to ask her some questions. She got a great review- yay! She was a little unsure about going to a new school but I think she liked it. She was most worried about where the playground was. :)

After we were done at registration, we went to get Olivia's hair cut! She has only had little trims ever since she was born and decided it was time to cut some off and donate it to Locks of Love! 

I am so proud of her AND so love her new hair do. It looks so cute and will be so much easier to take care of! We celebrated her K registration, new hair do & donated hair by a ice cream lunch at her favorite place- Sweet Frog! :)

After Sweet Frog, we headed back home to see what Aiden was up too. Megan, Marcus, & Malcolm came over to keep a eye on him while V& I were out. Aiden had a blast playing with the boys! We decided to run down the road the the playground and let them play some more. We always have such a good time together. On Thursday, we surprised Olivia & Marcus with a date to see The Lorax at the movies. Olivia loved the movie (in 3D!) and sat still the whole time enjoying her pop corn and goodies. 

Friday Greg & I went out to eat at Chilis, made our Costco trip for the month, and stopped by Target for some last minute Easter goodies. I also picked up some stickers from Michaels for the new Easter Buckets I got from Target. I'm so excited about them- personalized Easter buckets for about $10 each! Saturday I tried to do my freezer cooking while Greg was working OT. That was NOT my best idea. Aiden wasn't feeling well and just wanted to be held and couldn't nap. By the end of the night, Aiden ended up going to bed without dinner and the rest of us didn't get to eat our steak dinner until about 9:30. It was a late night. We also colored eggs once Greg got home. Olivia enjoyed it but Aiden was not feeling up to it so I didn't get many pictures. 

Sometimes I just have to remind myself things aren't always going to go as I planned and that's ok. The hubster & I got everything ready for Easter day after the kids went to bed. We tried to watch a movie while stuffing the eggs with candy, but after the eggs were done we decided we were to sleepy to stay up. Good thing we went to bed, because Olivia was up at 7AM to see what the Easter Bunny brought her!

"Happy Easter Aiden!"-Mommy
"Happy Easter to you!"-Aiden 

Both kids loved the goodies from the Easter Bunny! Aidens favorites were the tractor, combine, and big wheeled gator and he liked the Reese cups. Olivia loved the accessories- a pearl necklace, hello kitty watch, and flower hair clips. She also got a new bikini and Aiden got a swim suit. They also got dry erase place mats. The Easter Bunny hid over 70 eggs in the yard! 

After the egg hunt, we went over to Grandpa Turner & Uncies to visit. For our Easter dinner we headed to Diane & Bobs. Olivia had a great time visiting with Kara, as always. We had a great Easter, the kids chocolaty smiles said it all. :) Now it's on to planning for Olivias 5th birthday! :) 

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